"Réfléchissez. Nous achetons des choses. Nous les portons sur nous, ou nous les accrochons au mur, ou on s'asseoit dessus mais n'importe qui, s'il le veut, peut nous les enlever ou les casser." Vianello secoua la tête, frustré par le mal qu'il avait à expliquer ce que lui paraissait pourtant une idée relativement simple."Tenez, voyez Da Pré. Après sa mort, quelqu'un d'autre possédera ces stupides petites boîtes, et puis encore un autre après lui, tout comme quelqu'un les a possédées avant lui. Mais personne ne pense jamais à ça: les objets nous survivent, poursuivent leur existence propre. Il est ridicule de croire que nous les possédons. Et c'est un péché qu'ils soient si importants."

Tuesday, 30 September 2014
Sunday, 21 September 2014
New(ish) Street Art Round Up
The reason why I love walking to work, besides the recent study concluding that if you move enough you can reasonably hope that a can of soda here and there won't kill you- and I WILL fight for my soda-is that I happen to cross the best neighbourhoods in town. I set off from the sixth and zig-zag through the fifth and seventh, depending on which particular route I chose. And that again depends on liquid intake, this time the location of where I intend to purchase my life saving early morning latte. The positive result of such consistent shallowness is that I notice all the new street art popping up in the area, as illustrated below.
Sunday, 14 September 2014
Book Diary #9: Donna Leon- Mortes-Eaux
"Nous ne les connaissons jamais vraiment bien, tu ne crois pas?
-Qui ça?
-Les vraies personnes.
-Que veux tu dire, les vraies personnes?
-Par rapport aux personnages de roman, expliqua Paola.Ce sont les seuls que nous connaissons vraiment bien, que nous connaissons véritablement.
Elle réfléchit de nouveau quelques instants avant de reprendre.
-Peut-être parce que ce sont les seuls sur lesquels nous disposons d'informations fiables.
Elle lui jeta un coup d'oeil, puis ajouta, comme elle l'aurait fait en classe pour vérifier que les étudiants la suivaient:
-Les narrateurs ne mentent jamais."
Saturday, 13 September 2014
Austra @ Dürer Kert
This autumn promises to be the best in living memory when it comes to club concerts in Budapest- for while the city's musical crowd cannot yet support arena concerts all that well, except the accidental Kylie or Gaga, club concerts should be the blast, especially on A38. Dürer Kert generally has a somewhat different, metal tinted musical profile, which resulted in Austra's audience being confronted with some primeval metallic noise seeping out from the smaller stage. They do however provide an occasional gem, and Austra were well worth braving the deluge that descended on the city on Thursday night.
Wednesday, 10 September 2014
The Unsuspected Isle-Corfu
The plumbing is still somewhat eccentric, Zeus occasionally gets upset and sends in a storm, even the cheapest wines are alright, feta tastes like feta and olives taste like olives and you realize how extraordinary that actually is, by some miracle people generally survive giant buses maneuvering on really narrow streets, Turkish coffee is transfixed into Greek one and pasta is a Corfiot specialty, giant Airbuses breeze by your moussaka, there's a cat at every corner and most of them still manage to thrive, the whole madness has a sublime scent of flowers and cypress and the sea is blue. That incredible postcard blue, that should not exist, except it does.
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